Tournament Rules

Bryan McCarthy

Tournament Rule 5


5.  Partners will be chosen by random draw conducted by the Tournament Director.

Proposed 2014 Change:

                                       5.  Partners will be chosen by random draw conducted by the Tournament Director.   A boater shall not be paired with the same non-boater more than once every three months.  In order to ensure this rule, the secretary shall track boater pairings.  In the event that a boater draws a non-boater they have fished with in the previous 2 months, that name should be held out of the bucket while the boater draws again.  If the last person drawn out of the bucket doesn't meet the partner requirements, the boater shall swap partners with the most recent non-boater's name drawn that satisfies this requirement.

Reason:  Everyone in the club doesn't get a chance to fish with others as often as some would like.  With this rule change, we can ensure that partners are mixed up.  In turn, the club's awareness of each other and camaraderie will increase.