Fish Off Rules
Mack Cramer

Fish Off Rule 1.

1. This annual tournament will be held in October in conjunction with the regular club tournament. 

Proposed 2016 Change:

    1. This annual tournament will be held in October on Friday and Saturday, weigh in will be at 4pm on both days.  Sunday will be the travel day home, the normal club tournament will be held in conjunction with the regular club tournament.


Reasons for proposed change:

Having fished this format in the past I found that 1, the tournamets were much more enjoyable due to traveling to lake and impoundment's which were not really accessible to the club due to the return trip on Sunday, with this format returning home on Sunday after a good night's rest makes for a safer and more enjoyable trip home, Some examples of fisheries that would be available to the club would be Guntersville, Wilson, Wheeler, Pic Wick which that many have only heard of and never fished.  I propose that we give this a try at next year's fish off, try it and it the club likers wer can have become the rule if not well at least we tried.