2017 Season
Pensacola Hawg Hunters
Bass Club


2017 Season

The Pensacola Hawg Hunters Bass Club was formed in 1975. The original members were fishermen who wanted to have a group that specialized in fishing for lunker bass. Hence the name "Hawg Hunters". The Hawg Hunters started with about 6 members, but quickly grew to about 16 members. During the 1980's, the membership stayed between 15-20 active members. Today with the popularity of bass fishing, membership is over 30 and growing. As the club grew and matured, many of the original rules changed to fit the growing needs of the organization. (Even though seldom used, the "live bait" rule has been kept for tradition.) Although boat ownership is encouraged, it has never been a requirement for membership. This has allowed many novice anglers to get involved in fishing, eventually becoming boat owners as well as excellent fishermen. While catching fish is a major priority, it is not our only priority as we place much importance on friendship, camaraderie, and conservation in all of our activities. We hold meetings the third Wednesday of each month and fish one club tournament each month. All tournaments are "draw" tournaments. Throughout its 41 years, the Hawg Hunters have been recognized as excellent fishermen and good sportsmen, and we will continue to maintain high standards as we continue future growth.