Tournament Rules Change Proposal for 2018

Pete Potter

Rule 5  - Partners

  5.e.    After all the non-boaters have been accommodated in the tournament draw any remaining boaters will have the option to be solo boaters. If there are any boaters remaining who wish to not be a solo boater then they will be drawn as a non-boater with another boater. The club will NOT be responsible for any tournament expenses of "ANY" who opt to be solo boaters. Any boater opting to fish solo will NOT be permitted to bring a guest, however he may be assigned a partner in accordance with rule 6.   


Proposed 2018 Change:

 Modify the existing method of selecting partner by giving a boater who is not given a partner during the draw of non boaters and does not want to fish alone the chance to take his boat and have a partner by putting his name and the name of the first boater who did not have a non boater in a draw with the first one out as the boater and the second one as the non boater.  If the first boater who does not have a partner is the one who does not want to fish without a partner, then he would go into the draw with the second boater who does not have a partner.

Reasons for proposed change:

The current method requires that a boater who does not want to fish alone must go as a non boater.  I do not think this is fair and goes against everything the club was for when it was established.